In today’s “dev blog” is all about the new fruit in Farming Simulator 17!
For those who are a new addition: You make money with the fruit varieties by she grows and delivers the crop to a discharge station. The prices of different types of fruit change constantly – unloading stations do not accept all the same types of fruit and pay different prices.
The Farming Simulator 17 a wealth of new fruits and trees are imported for harvest. On some of them will be discussed in this dev blog:
Beautify the farm with a sunflower crop! These iconic plants offer earning for farmers more options to make money with the fields.
Uniquely, sunflower: your colorful heads follow the movements of the sun. To harvest sunflowers new sunflowers reapers the LS17 must be used.
Thanks to the great demand of the American players GIANTS Software has now integrated soybean in Farming Simulator 17th Soybeans originated in Southeast Asia, but was introduced in 1765 in Georgia. Today, they are a classic American type of fruit, widely produced more than 31 countries.
Poplars fall somewhere between forestry and fruit varieties. They may be harvested by means of choppers and a special cutting / teeth in conjunction with a trailer in order to obtain a plurality of chips.
These chips can be converted into electricity by being transported to McLean’s biogas plant in Goldcrest Valley.
Oil radish is a special type of crop, as it is not harvested at the end of the cycle. Once the plants are visible, they are dug bert with a cultivator as green manure in the field.
This allows a new alternative to the field to fertilize the next income increases by 30%!
What kind of fruit do you want to see in FS17? 🙂
hello like I had sugar cane in the game, with machines for planting and harvesting and soil prepero
don’t get those in Austrialia
I downloaded a mod for grape and a new seed in game sugar cane