2017 Opel Movano L4H2 MK3 v
2017 Opel Movano L4H2 MK3 v
– Power 135 hp
– Speed 120 km/h
– Interactive controls
– Animated convoy sign and doors
– 4 different configurations
– l10n translation
– Open the convoy sign above X
– Open doors via interactive control
* Added Emergency Pack Functions
* Fixed Collision
EnsarModdet, DR3RS, tim19, Radichkov, TschiZack
Farming Simulator 22
How do I install Farming Simulator mods?
Find a mod that you like and want to download first. Then, on your PC, download a mod. Mods are typically in.zip format. However, it is sometimes in.rar format. If the mod file is in.zip format, no additional actions are required. If a file is in.rar format, you must unarchive it using software such as WinRar or Zip7. Windows 10 users do not need to use archive software; Win10 includes an unarchive feature.
The next step is to locate the mods folder on your computer. It is typically found in Documents/My Games/Farming Simulator [Your FS game version, e.g. 2022]. Open the "mods" folder and place the downloaded.zip archive or unarchived.rar file there.
The final step. Have fun with Farming Simulator mods!