In our eighth InfoVideo about Farming Simulator 17 (LS17), there are other Datasheets / Factsheets incl. In-game videos, tools, an overview of all known new brands, and information on the Saitek side console, which is now also available separately.
New, presented in video equipment include: Agco 1100 (weight), Arcusin ForStack 8:12 (Balle Wagons), Arcusin FSX 63.72 (Balle Wagons), Capello diamond HS12 (corn head) Case IH 3020 35FT (cutting), Case IH 3412 12R (corn head) , Case IH Axial-flow 7130 (harvesters), Fendt 300 Vario (tractor), Heizomat HM 4-300 (woodcutter) Hürlimann H 488 (tractor) JCB Fastrac 8000 (tractor), JCB TM 320S (telescopic handlers) Jenz Hem 583 Z (woodcutter), Joskin Aquatrans 7300 S (water tank), Krampe Bandit 750 (tipper), Kuhn Primor 15070 (mixer feeders), Magsi bale fork, Magsi Poltergabel, New Holland BB 1290 (square baler), New Holland roll-Belt 150 (round baler ), Sampo Rosenlew HR46X (Forestry Harvester) Stepa FHL 130 AK (Forest trailers), Stihl MS 261 (chainsaw), Thuringia Farm Iguana 24 (Header trailer), Thuringia Farm Iguana 40 (Header trailer), Thunder Creek FST 990 (service trailer), Ursus T -127 (Bail collecting wagon) and Ursus Z-586 (Bale).
Previously known new brands (compared to the LS15 + DLCs): AGCO (Challenger, Fendt, Massey Ferguson, Valtra), Bredal, Caruelle Nicolas, DFM, Heizomat, Joskin, Kesla, Lely, Magsi, Manitou, Metaltech, Möscha, Michieletto, Salford , Siloking, Stihl, Thunder Creek, Vogelsang and Ziegler Harvesting.
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