Goweil LT Master v 1.2
Goweil LT Master v 1.2
Goweil LT Master is THE Baler-Wrapper combination.
Chaff, grass, hay, straw, wood chips and manure can be fully pressed into bales and wrapped, for convenient storage purpose and better yield.
All type of bales can be sold to default sell trigger.
This mod add global function to open bales and tip to ground the materials.
Bale net and wrap foil pallet available in the store, also pallet tank with silage additive can be bought for a better silage quality.
Version 1.2:
* Added compatibility with Seasons
* Several small improvements
* Several small fixes
Team FSI Modding
Farming Simulator 17
How do I install Farming Simulator mods?
Find a mod that you like and want to download first. Then, on your PC, download a mod. Mods are typically in.zip format. However, it is sometimes in.rar format. If the mod file is in.zip format, no additional actions are required. If a file is in.rar format, you must unarchive it using software such as WinRar or Zip7. Windows 10 users do not need to use archive software; Win10 includes an unarchive feature.
The next step is to locate the mods folder on your computer. It is typically found in Documents/My Games/Farming Simulator [Your FS game version, e.g. 2022]. Open the "mods" folder and place the downloaded.zip archive or unarchived.rar file there.
The final step. Have fun with Farming Simulator mods!
So eine müll . Die Maschiene geht noch nicht mal in den arbeitsmodus . Bitte nicht Downloaden leute . die maschiene hat sehr viele fehler logs .
Where can i sell those bales?
Read the description you smartass….
Hey, I am cutting grass, and filling baler with it. But the output of grass is not grass, it is silage. even if I changed the mod’s Goweil_LT_Master.xml file line 675, tag, I deleted the silage, and the grass is out like grass but it is written as silage. Please contact with me 🙂
Hab alles ausprobiert aber nix geht